Today is Maddox's second birthday. It's hard to believe how quickly the last two years have flown by! Two years ago today I was barely holding it together, trying to maintain a level of strength and "cool" after eight months of intense treatments, ultrasounds, and fear. Fear is a scary thing in itself, because if you let it consume you it will destroy your life, your perspectives, and your ability fight for what's important. Trying to keep that fear at bay is exhausting work! I'm convinced that the only way I was able to stay rational throughout Maddox's pregnancy was through a lot of prayer, and an amazing family that was my rock and my source of never ending positivity. Most of you know Maddox's birth story, but if you would like to read it you can find it
Two years later the memories and emotions are still raw, maybe they will never really go away. But in return for for those memories I get to enjoy an amazing little person every single day for the rest of my life. At two Maddox is the happiest, snuggliest little guy I have ever known. I love to watch the relationship that is growing between he and Jax, and listen to the conversations they have when they think I'm not around. He makes me smile every single day, and never fails me make me laugh with his hysterical laughter. Quite simply, we are blessed beyond belief.
Happy birthday, Maddox!!! What a beautiful post, T. You guys are blessed, for sure.