Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Imagination Station

Here are some drawings the kids and I did tonight :)


Jax's, which he copied mine. Looks pretty good, very detailed.

Maddox's, he did a good job coping mine then he did his own thing. Looks good.

Lola's, it'a a drawing of Missile.

Last is a deer on the service road behind our house. He had a friend, but he was shy. I love living on the west side of Redding.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday Pictures

 Jax made a Pretzel man with a hammer
 Maddox made a Pretzel man with the sun above
 Lazy Missile
Jax and Maddox having a "sleep over" in Jax's bed...this was at 1:00am