Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Catch up in Pictures

It has been several months since I've posted anything to the blog. Mainly because Nolan is the one who set up this account, and up until now signing in took hacking into his email account with it's ever changing passwords and weird security features. Honestly, you would think the man worked for the CIA or something.

So, rather than rambling on and on to catch you all up on our lives, I thought I would bombard you with pictures.

Jax started preschool (he is now about to enter pre-k!)

Maddox celebrated his 2nd birthday at "Nanny and Papa's"

"Nanny" went a little overboard and bought a bounce house. That's right. Bought. Not rented.

After endless soul searching we were all set to make the big move to Monterey!

Hmmm.... just kidding! I guess we're staying where we are for the next eight months or so.

I think my scary face just about sums it up. 
There, you're all caught up! I promise to be better about updating as these next few months fly by :)